Somehow I got on the Petfinder email list. Perhaps it was when I trolled the site for the millionth time looking at the available kittens and joined the mailing list.

I mean I had no intention of getting another animal, another being to take care of - feed, clean up after, take to the vet, etc. As a single mom, I had my hands full just taking care of my daughter, our two, yes, two dogs, our home, oh, and me. Or did I? Would one more animal make a difference? No, that’s crazy, I CANNOT add one more thing to my plate. I have a full time job and a 45 minute commute (each way) to consider on top of everything else. And the house, and the YARD. It was spring, so lawn mowing season has just begun, don’t forget that. Right, that’s crazy, no more pets. I mean, I can look at the cute photo’s of the kittens, but that’s it. Wait, what??? Just look at that beautiful gray long haired kitten. So cute, and his tail - so long and fluffy! Poor thing, stuck in South Carolina with no one to adopt him. Oh, gosh…he’s a stray, comes from a feral momma cat. No way. But so cute, just the same. And look at this one! She’s a calico long hair. Oh, look also feral. I mean what does that even mean?

After a quick call I learn that there are a great deal of kittens that were born to feral momma cats and found outdoors and brought to a shelter for adoption. The shelter provides delivery to Massachusetts for a nominal fee. The kittens…wait, what’s going on here? why do I keep saying kittens, as in plural? First of all, I can’t get another animal, not another ONE, no way, no how, and I am most certainly not going to get two! But if I did want the gray one or the calico, I would need to put a deposit on them right away because there is a lot of interest in both of them. The deposit is refundable, so why don’t I just put down a deposit while I think this through. Done.

I keep checking out their little photos and I can’t stand it. They are adorable. Okay, I’ll get one of them. Just one. But which one? I’ll let my six year old decide. She’s always wanted a kitten.

When we got home that night I told her that we were going to get a kitten and I would let her choose which one. She said, “WHAT??? NO! We can’t get another animal. Why would you even think that? We have two dogs already. That makes no sense at all, Mommy.” “Yes, I know, BUT (opening the page on my computer) JUST LOOK HOW CUTE THEY ARE.” “They are so cute, but we cannot get another animal.”

We named the gray one Huckleberry and the Calico is named Holly Golightly.
